Stop The Hate

As an organization that supports the Pacific Islander community, PBD has made it a priority since its inception to commit to meaningful Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islanders initiatives. These cultures are an integrated part of American lives. We condemn any act of racism and violence and continue to take concrete actions to help prevent racial injustice.

Our Mission

PBD’s mission is to raise public awareness of support and services to Pacific Islander and survivors of hate incidents and hate crimes, and prevention measures. Furthermore, PBD aims to promote community healing and cross-racial and cross-cultural understanding for these historically underserved and underrepresented groups.


The goal of this campaign is to increase public awareness pertaining to educating, engaging and empowering vulnerable communities about hate incidents, hate crimes, and related topics; reduce the stigma surrounding the reporting and use of services by survivors; partner with community-based organizations; and promote community healing, and cross-cultural and cross-racial collaboration


What is a Hate Crime

A hate incident is an action or behavior motivated by hate but legally protected by the First Amendment right to freedom of expression. If a hate incident starts to threaten a person or property, it may become a hate crime.

Examples of hate incidents

  • Name-calling

  • Insults

  • Displaying Hate material on your own property

  • Posting Hate material that does not result in property damage

  • Distribution of materials with hate messages in public places

Know your rights

The Attorney General has developed a hate crime brochure with information on how to identify and report hate crimes and services available to victims of hate crimes.

The Stop The Hate campaign is made possible with funding from the California State Library (CSL) in partnership with the California Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs (CAPIAA). The views expressed on this website and other materials produced by PBD do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the CSL, CAPIAA or the California government. Learn more at